Perhaps best known as the author of Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift was also engaged in the political and social debates of his time. Combining satire and allegory, he wrote The Battle of the Books (published in 1704) as an introduction to the possibly more famous and certainly more polemic A Tale of a Tub.
As a stand-alone fiction, The Battle of the Books forms a comedy that is apparent not just in its rhetoric and satire. The story of some learned books housed in the King’s Library taking sides in the ancient versus modern debate, leading to a full-blown battle, reflects the then fierce argument between the merits of either side. Attack and counterattack also form a parody of the battles found in Homer and the Iliad.
Swift is skilful in his moving of the debate from a verbal one, between a spider housed in the library and a visiting bee, to a physical one. After listening to the discussion and author Aesop’s comments on it, the books begin to hurl abuse at each other, then move on to spears and other weapons of war as the disagreement deepens. The gods enter the fray, as do the seventeenth century proponents of the argument, in particular those whom Swift himself knew and worked with, including Sir William Temple and William Wotton.
The anthropomorphising of the books is emphasized by the different sides choosing leaders, allowing an interpretation of Swift’s own view in the argument. This leads to the incorporation of an attack on critics, one of whom the moderns have chosen as their leader, and Swift’s view that critics are dispensable is confirmed when the battle continues perfectly well without them.
The incidents of the battle reflect incidents in the real-life debate, and some knowledge of the situation at the time helps in interpreting the story. Swift, for example, takes pot-shots at his rival Dryden, and the objects of the spear throws, the heads not fitting their helmets, and the ineffectual actions of various allies and leaders, lend substance to the battle. The reader can still enjoy the story though, even without a seventeenth-century knowledge and education.
With Swift’s use of literary devices, such as bits of a purported manuscript missing and therefore not permitting a supposed full transcription, he allows the story’s conclusion to remain open. The relevance of and reason for the battles have echoes in twenty-first century political debates, and archaic language aside The Battle of the Books remains a comic and rewarding read.