Primarily an adventure story, Around the World in Eighty Days was written by Jules Verne, one of the most frequently translated authors in the world. Published in French in 1872 and in English in 1873, the story begins in London with English gentleman Phileas Fogg and his French manservant Passepartout setting out across the globe to win a bet Fogg has made with acquaintances at his club. If Fogg loses the bet he loses half of his substantial fortune, so the tension is set early on in the story.
Using careful calculations, Fogg endeavours to circle the globe in the most modern and therefore the quickest way possible, but his intensions are significantly complicated when he realises he is being pursued as a suspected bank robber. As the quarry of ambitious Detective Fix from Scotland Yard, who will stop at nothing to get his man, Fogg still manages to focus on his goal and he continues to move ahead despite a never-ending series of difficulties and setbacks.
Verne had a strong interest in technological advances which were developing rapidly in the 1860s and ’70s, and Around the World in Eighty Days is an illustration of how exciting this was at the time. In a showcase of the different modes of transport available in the mid-19th century, incidentally excluding the hot air balloon although this has become synonymous with the story via the film version of 1956, Verne incorporates the exhilaration of speed and the frequent inconvenience of timetables into the story.
Fogg is inspired by news of the efficiency and speed of a new railway in India, and his journey across the globe is accomplished mainly via train and steamer, although episodes involving an elephant add to the interest. Romance also enters the fray, with Fogg and Passepartout rescuing a damsel in distress in India. The romance theme continues from that point on, leavening the story that proceeds with adventure, trickery and deceit as the pair near the completion of their journey. Does Fogg win his bet? Read it and see.
The humour is sustained in Around the World in Eighty Days through the use of an outrageous storyline, dramatic tension and the always present intention of Fogg who aims to achieve his goal no matter what, or almost no matter what. Verne produced the book in collaboration with his publisher Pierre-Jules Hetzel as part of the popular adventure series Voyages extraordinaires.