Can a book whose main point is personal betrayal be funny? Muriel Spark’s novella The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, published in 1961 after appearing in The New Yorker, could be such a book. With the main character a spinster who works as a teacher and regards herself as ‘in her prime’, added to a group of schoolgirls who move from age ten to adulthood in the book, the story develops the various themes of education, growing up, work and private life, illustrating the human interactions with all of their accompanying emotions.
In imparting her particular brand of education, aimed at producing adults who will take their place in the world as members of the ‘crème de la crème’, Miss Brodie stimulates her girls to think outside the insular confines of suburban Edinburgh in the 1930s. In refusing to follow the standard curriculum, her teaching contains subjects such as art appreciation, the politics of the time and the development of personal awareness, not to mention elements of Miss Brodie’s own romantic history. Miss Brodie thereby produces a group of girls at odds with the rest of the school, leading to difficulties with the headmistress and other staff members.
One of the highlights of the book is Spark’s understanding of the female adolescent mind and how it interprets the partially understood facts of life as gleaned from overheard conversations. Liaisons between Miss Brodie and the two male staff members stimulate the girls’ imagination, enlivened by Miss Brodie herself who fills in much of the detail as she talks to her girls.
Much of the action of the story is seen through the eyes of one of the girls, Sandy, with some of the story told via ‘flash forwards’, or through the hindsight of the individuals in the group who reminisce as adults. Through Sandy, the character Jean Brodie begins to serve as a focus of pity and contempt, as well as love and affection. A story not always funny in itself, the humour is contained in the way Spark has written it.
Spark keeps her characters at arm’s length, but in the end the reader is left with an understanding of what motivates them. The book does not finish with a completely light touch, but it is perhaps a fitting closure to an illustration of humour in the daily lives of not always attractive characters, who are not in the end undeserving of the reader’s sympathy.
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark; The New Yorker